Water Conservation Resources:
Texas Water Development Board map link
Texas Water Development Board- Groundwater
Texas Water Development Board- Conservation & Rainwater Harvesting
Texas State soil and Water Conservation Board- Brush Control Program
Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts- Drought Information
Texas Water Resources Institute- General Resources
Central Texas Groundwater Conservation District in Burnet County website: https://www.centraltexasgcd.org/
Minor aquifers of Lampasas County are Marble Falls, Ellenburger-San Saba, and Hickory. There are others , but these three are the main additional underground water sources for the county. The minor aquifers are concentrated around the Llano Uplift and recharge zone and provide a source for the many free flow springs in Lampasas County.
The major underground water source for Lampasas County is the Trinity Aquifer. The Trinity Aquifer extends from the Red River to Bandera County through Central Texas. The aquifer outcrop is to the west roughly bordering the Colorado River and the downdip extends east as far as Red River County in the North and Bastrop County in the South.